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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/21/23 Head Coverings Travis Peterson Bible Class 1 Corinthians Sunday Bible Study 2023-05-21_-_Travis_-_Ch_11_-_Head_Coverings.mp3
05/17/23 Hebrews, Unbelief Kevin Sulc Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Study 2023-05-17-Kevin_Sulc-Unbelief.mp3
05/14/23 The Fullness of Time Kevin Sulc Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship 2023_-_05_-_14_-_PM_-_Kevin_Sulc_-_The_Fullness_of_Time.mp3
05/14/23 Christ, our Passover Lamb Kevin Sulc Sermon Lord's Supper Sunday AM Worship 2023_-_05_-_14_-_AM_-_Kevin_Sulc_-_Christ_our_Passover_Lamb.mp3
05/10/23 The Sabbath Rest of God - Final Kevin Sulc Bible Class Hebrews Study Wednesday Bible Study Christ_Centered_Study_of_the_OT_6_5-10-23.pptx 2023_-_05_-10_-_PM_-_Kevin_Sulc_-_The_Sabbath_Rest_of_GodFinal.mp3
05/07/23 The Good Samaritan John Smith Sermon Lessons Taken from Jesus the Master Teacher Special Series 05_The_Good_Samaritan.pptx 2023_-_05_-_07_-_John_Smith_-_The_Good_Samaritan.mp3
05/07/23 The Talents John Smith Sermon Lessons Taken from Jesus the Master Teacher Special Series 04_Talents.pptx 2023_-_05_-_07_-_John_Smith_-_The_Talents.mp3
05/07/23 The Sower John Smith Sermon Lessons Taken from Jesus the Master Teacher Special Series 03_Sower.pptx 2023_-_05_-_07_-_John_Smith_-_The_Sower.mp3
05/06/23 The Lost Son John Smith Sermon Lessons Taken from Jesus the Master Teacher Special Series Lost_son.pptx 2023_-_05_-_06_-_John_Smith_-_The_Lost_Son.mp3
05/05/23 The Lost Sheep and Coin John Smith Sermon Lessons Taken from Jesus the Master Teacher Special Series 2023_-_05_-_05_-_John_Smith_-_The_Lost_Sheep_and_Coin.mp3
05/03/23 Hebrews: Sabbath Rest Kevin Sulc Bible Class Hebrews Study Wednesday Bible Study Christ_Centered_Study_of_the_OT_6_5-3-23.pptx 2023-05-03-Wed-Kevin_Sulc-Christ_Centered_Study-Sabbath_Rest.mp3
04/30/23 The Believers Kevin Sulc Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 2022-04-30_-_AM_-_Kevin_Sulc_-_The_Believers.mp3
04/30/23 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 Travis Peterson Bible Class 1 Corinthians Sunday Bible Study 2023-04-30_-_1_Corinthians_10_14-22.mp3
04/26/23 Hebrews 3:7-11 Part 2 Kevin Sulc Bible Class Hebrews Study Wednesday Bible Study Christ_Centered_Study_of_the_OT_6_Rest_of_God_4-26-23.pptx 2023-04-26_-_Hebrews_3.7-11_Part_2.mp3
04/23/23 Come to Give Life Kevin Sulc Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 2023-04-23_-_AM_-_Kevin_Sulc_-_Eternal_Life_in_John.mp3
04/23/23 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 Travis Peterson Bible Class 1 Corinthians Sunday Bible Study 2023-04-23_-_Travis_-_1_Cor_10_1-13.mp3
04/19/23 Sabbath Rest Kevin Sulc Bible Class Hebrews Study Wednesday Bible Study Christ_Centered_Study_of_the_OT_6_04-19-23_Rest_of_God.pptx 2023-04-19_-_Wed_-_Kevin_-_Sabbath_Rest.mp3
04/16/23 The Apostolic Writings Kevin Sulc Sermon The Canon Sunday PM Worship The_Canon_of_Scripture_5.pptx 2023-04-16_-_PM_-_Kevin_Sulc_-_Apostolic_Writings.mp3
04/16/23 1 Corinthians 10:1-5 Travis Peterson Bible Class 1 Corinthians Sunday Bible Study 2023-04-16_-_1_Cor_10.mp3
04/16/23 Do Justice Travis Peterson Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 2023-04-16_-_AM_-_Travis_Peterson_-_Justice.mp3
04/12/23 Hebrews 3:7ff Kevin Sulc Bible Class Hebrews Study Wednesday Bible Study 2023-04-12_-_Hebrews_3_7ff.mp3
04/09/23 The Son of God Kevin Sulc Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship The_Son_of_God.pptx 2024-04-09_-_AM_-_Kevin_Sulc_-_The_Son_of_God.mp3
04/09/23 1 Corinthians 9:19-27 Travis Peterson Bible Class 1 Corinthians Sunday Bible Study 2024-04-09_-_1_Corinthians_9_18-27.mp3
04/05/23 Hebrews 3:1-6 Kevin Sulc Bible Class Hebrews Study Wednesday Bible Study 2023-04-05_-_Hebrews_3_1-6.mp3
04/02/23 Transgenderism Kevin Yeater Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship 2023-04-02_-_PM_-_Kevin_Yeater_-_Transgenderism.mp3

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